Error while masking Snowflake table without primary key
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Error while masking Snowflake table without primary key


Article ID: 223101


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Trying to obfuscate data on snowflake DB and when we are trying to execute the obfuscation scripts, getting below error message in Logs 

2021-08-31 12:55:20.116 Table masking without primary key or unique index is not supported for Snowflake databases due to limitation in the driver.
2021-08-31 12:55:20.116 exit value = 1
2021-08-31 12:55:20.116 Sleeping for 500 milliseconds before exiting


Release : 4.9

Component : Fast Data Masker


It is a limitation at driver level with current design implementation of FDM.

If the tables you are trying to mask doesn't have any primary key or unique index, then FDM cannot mask columns in those table. 



The error message really means what it says.


2021-08-31 14:21:05.853 Table TABLE_NAME has no unique columns defined 
2021-08-31 14:21:05.853 Updating may be unreliable and take a long time 
2021-08-31 14:21:05.853 Thread:TABLE_NAME - Thread:TABLE_NAME-  Starting at 2021.08.31 14:21:05.853 BST 
2021-08-31 14:21:08.541 Table masking without primary key or unique index is not supported for Snowflake databases due to limitation in the driver. 


If the tables you are trying to mask doesn't have any primary key or unique index, then FDM cannot mask columns in those table.

Add some unique value column to this table to be able to mask it.