WP Traces not generated when "Memory Trace" is checked in Administration perspective
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WP Traces not generated when "Memory Trace" is checked in Administration perspective


Article ID: 223071


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


When turning on tracing on the WPs (such as TCP/IP=2 and DB=3 traces), trace files are not generated when "Memory trace" checkbox is checked.

CP traces will generate as expected

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into the AWI
  2. Go to the Administration perspective and then to Automation Engine Management
  3. Right-click a single WP and choose "Advanced Options"
  4. Update trace flags (for example to TCP/IP=2 and Database=3) and click Apply

Expected behavior:
Trace files begin to get generated

Actual behavior:
Trace files are not generated.  WP logs show:

20210901/205344.836 - U00011821 User 'AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC' changed 'TRACE_FLAGS' for 'AUT1236#WP005' from '0000000000000000' to '2300000000000000'.
20210901/205344.836 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
20210901/205344.851 - U00003100 Memory TRACE was opened with the switches '2300000000000000'.
20210901/205344.851 - U00003380 Server 'AUT1236#WP005' version '12.3.6+build.1623916971068' (Runtime '12/05:01:43', Log# '1', Trc# '0').


Release : 12.3, 21.0

Component : Automation Engine


This behavior is as designed and is caused by having the Memory Trace checkbox in the upper right checked.  Use the following steps to write traces to file immediately when activating traces:

  1. Log into the AWI
  2. Go to the Administration perspective and then to Automation Engine Management
  3. Right-click a single WP and choose "Advanced Options"
  4. Update trace flags (for example to TCP/IP=2 and Database=3)
  5. Uncheck "Memory trace" in the upper right
  6. Click Apply

Trace files will now be generated and log files will show the following:

20210901/205654.519 - U00011821 User 'AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC' changed 'TRACE_TYPE' for 'AUT1236#WP005' from 'MEMORY' to 'FILE'.
20210901/205654.519 - U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
20210901/205654.535 - U00003450 The TRACE file was opened with the switches '2300000000000000'.
20210901/205654.535 - U00003380 Server 'AUT1236#WP005' version '12.3.6+build.1623916971068' (Runtime '12/05:04:53', Log# '1', Trc# '1').

Additional Information

More information on Traces set in the AWI can be found here: https://docs.automic.com/documentation/WEBHELP/English/all/components/DOCU/21.0/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/Content/AWA/AdministrationPerspective/AG_processes_and_usage.htm#link28