SQL Query to list Patch Me installed status success machines
Release : 1403
Component :
Here is a query which gives the list of machines with status OK for "UPM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup v2105.00"
SELECT M.agent_name [Computer Name],
R.itemname [Package Name],
R.itemversion [Package Version],
P.itemname [Procedure Name],
dateadd(ss, completiontime+ datediff(ss,getutcdate(),getdate()), convert(datetime,'19700101')) [Install Time]
FROM usd_applic A
LEFT JOIN usd_actproc P ON A.actproc=P.objectid
LEFT JOIN usd_rsw R ON P.rsw=R.objectid
LEFT JOIN ca_agent M ON A.target=M.object_uuid
WHERE R.itemname like 'UPM - CA - Patch Me - Security IntelliRollup v2105.00%' and A.status=9 and P.itemname='Silent Configure' and A.uninstallstate<>2
ORDER BY [Computer Name], [Install time]
You need to replace the name if you need latest patch me result .