Upgrade to XCOM data transport 11.6 on Windows from an Earlier Release
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Upgrade to XCOM data transport 11.6 on Windows from an Earlier Release


Article ID: 222966


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows


Installation of XCOM software on a Windows server - need details of download, installation configuration and changes. Coming from an earlier release or from an older server.


XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows


  1.  Download XCOM for Windows Family Server 11.6 SP03  or XCOM for Windows Family Professional 11.6 SP03  (according to which you are licensed for)
  2. Choose this file:
    CA XCOM Data Transport for Windows 64-bit 11.6 SP03- Product Package
    you do not need the other files.
  3. Here are the Installation Prerequisites and installation instructions.
  4. To see enhancements and changes, start here  and click on topics on the left hand side.
  5. Configuration
    You will need to access your old server to see what you might have customized or configured previously
    (there will be changes)|
  6. Go to installing and upgrading  and scroll down to BACK Up Files to get a list of all the items you might have configured in the past.  Do not copy these over unless your are just moving to a new server and staying on the same release of XCOM, there have been too many changes.  Use them as reference when configuring your new XCOM.

Additional Information

XCOM for Windows 12.0 is also available.