what is the name of the http web server used by xFlow and ServicePoint for a R17.3 out of the box installation. Service Desk Manager works with 2 web servers: IIS or Tomcat. Question is: What web server is using xFlow or Search Server ?
Release : 17.2 +
Backend services is AKKA HTTP Server and is based off of the Play Framework
Step to obtain the AKKA version is as follows:
Version information can be obtained from one of the log file by navigating to incident/search... microservice logs. You can see a log message similar to: Starting up, Akka version [x.x.xx] or
Alternatively, you can navigate to C:\Program Files\CA\xFlow\APPS\Services\searchmicroservice-17.0.479\lib and review the properties of com.typesafe.akka.akka-http-core_2.12-10.0.13 file to get the current version of AKKA HTTP Server where <x.x.xx> is the major version, minor version and build number.
Previous versions of xFlow (up to 14.x) utilized the Apache and IIS web server components.
See also: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.8.x/AkkaHttpServer