Can saved text files be encoded in ISO-8859 to support national language characters?
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Can saved text files be encoded in ISO-8859 to support national language characters?


Article ID: 222895


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Output Management Web Viewer


After testing with different character sets, we didn't find a solution that correctly represented all national language characters. 

Something that might help? Text files saved from Web Viewer 12.1 where encoded in ISO-8859, whereas text files saved from Web Viewer 14.0 are encoded in UTF-8. Is there an option to choose the encoding of the saved text files in Web Viewer 14.0?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA Output Management Web Viewer


Web Viewer 14.0 encodes files in UTF-8. This includes the text report data content screen as well as the report actions (including save/download). UTF-8 is built into the product, there is no option that allows the encoding to be changed.

Consider opening an Idea on the Communities site if ISO-8859 encoding is something you would like to see considered for a future release.