Policy Testing Best Practices - Naming Test Files
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Policy Testing Best Practices - Naming Test Files


Article ID: 222795


Updated On:


CASB Security Standard CASB Gateway CASB Security Advanced CASB Gateway Advanced CASB Security Premium CASB Securlet SAAS CASB Securlet SAAS With DLP-CDS


Confusing and inconsistent results are seen while testing a policy with similar file names in a given time frame.


It is best practice to upload your test file with a unique name including a date timestamp. Example, [dd/mm/yy].test1.420PM.txt, [dd/mm/yy].test2.422PM.txt.



Additional Information

While events are usually FI/FO (First In \First Out)  there is no guarantee that it will always be the case.

A unique file name helps Support and the Customer track events from end to end.