Upgrading NM ReportCenter to 12.2 - USS / ZFS handling
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Upgrading NM ReportCenter to 12.2 - USS / ZFS handling


Article ID: 222765


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NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP


I'm trying to install ReportCenter for data collection, in particular the NMJAVA task. 

I have run dsnpref.NMC2.CC2DJCL(2DINST) as per the CA Netmaster Shared Content Library. 

This created the following jobs for the Netmaster and ReportCenter install:

Member     Description                                                
APFLIST    Generated Member - APF authorization commands              
I01ALLOC   Product - Allocate data sets                               
I02INSMP   Product - Init of SMP/E data sets                          
I03RCSMP   Product - SMP/E RECEIVE                                    
I06APSMP   Product - SMP/E APPLY                                      
I07ACSMP   Product - SMP/E ACCEPT                                     
I23RECWR   ReportCenter - SMP/E RECEIVE                               
I26APPWR   ReportCenter - SMP/E APPLY                                 
I27ACCWR   ReportCenter - SMP/E ACCEPT              

There doesn't appear to be a job to allocate the zfs or pathnames for ReportCenter, how can I generate the JCL to do so?                 


Release : 12.2

Component : CA NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP


If you are upgrading to Netmaster for TCP/IP to 12.2 and including ReportCenter,  Reportcenter will be using the same path as the Netmaster for TCP/IP product.

The information in the ReportCenter manual is outdated in that respect.

For 12.2 the process is as follows

For the Netmaster install itself, your I06RCSMP job will point to a ZFS pathname used to locate the base install information for the RECEIVE  This is the data from the pax.Z file.
Example from my install:
//SMPNTS   DD PATHDISP=KEEP,                                          
//             PATH='/<zfs-dir>/nmc2inst/


Your I01ALLOC job will create a CC2DZFS file and directory that MUST differ from that in your RECEIVE job. This includes  a temporary mount of the file.
Example from my install:
  1) Step  DEFCL1 - defines both the CSI and CC2DZFS file.
          DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME(<hlq>.CAI.NMC2.CC2DZFS)            -  
                MGMTCLAS(DEFAULT)                                   -  
                STORCLAS(NMDPOOL)                                   -  
                LINEAR                                              -  
                CYLINDERS(15 2)                                     -  
                SHAREOPTIONS(3)                                     -  
          NOTE: The CC2DZFS is a Target library and is new to 12.2. If you are using differing hlq's within your SMP libraries, a bug in the install process generates the CC2DZFS with the same hlq as the CSI. If you have not yet run any install jobs, you can still correct that prior to execution.


  2) Subsequent steps format the CC2DZFS and create a pathname and temporary mountpoint
        //*  FORMAT ZFS                                                         
        // SET ZFSDSN=<hlq>.CAI.NMC2.CC2DZFS                        
        //FMTZFS   EXEC PGM=IOEAGFMT,REGION=0M,                                 
        //         PARM=('-aggregate &ZFSDSN -compat ')                         
        //SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                                                
        //STDOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*                                                
        //STDERR   DD   SYSOUT=*                                                
        //SYSUDUMP DD   SYSOUT=*                                                
        //CEEDUMP  DD   SYSOUT=*                                                
        //*  CREATE THE MOUNT POINT                                             
        //MKDIR    EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,REGION=0M                                 
        //STDOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*                                               
        //STDERR   DD   SYSOUT=*                                               
        //STDPARM  DD   *    
        //SH umask 0000;                                                      
        //set -x;                                                             
        //rm -rf $p1;                                                         
        //mkdir -p -m 777 $p1;                                                
//*  MOUNT THE TARGET ZFS AT THE MOUNT POINT                           
//MOUNT    EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=4096K,DYNAMNBR=50                  
//SYSTSPRT DD   SYSOUT=*                                               
//SYSTSOUT DD   SYSOUT=*                                               
//SYSTSIN  DD   *                                                      
MOUNT FILESYSTEM('<hlq>.NMC2.CC2DZFS')               + 
      TYPE(ZFS)                                                      + 
      MODE(RDWR)                                                     + 


This second path is the one to be used for your ReportCenter install.

Please note that it is vital that you add the temporary mountpoint from the I01ALLOC job to your BPXPRM  so it is permanently mounted as this file must be mounted when doing SMP work.
With ZFS, the data shows up when you look at the path in OMVS, but is actually contained in the CC2DZFS file. Thus if the file is not mounted, you cannot access the data.

If you review the I02INSMP job, you will note that the CC2DZFS DDDEF points to the path name, NOT the CC2DZFS itself. So if it is not mounted correctly during an APPLY job, all SMP information for the zFS portion of the product ends up in the bitbucket and the only way to retrieve it is to reinstall, so please ensure it is mounted permanently.

Once you have completed the install, you will want to apply all available maintenance prior to building the region.

With current maintenance, the ONLY region requiring the CC2DZFS file will be your ReportCenter control region. That means that you must copy the CC2DZFS file to wherever you will be running ReportCenter.

For the actual deployment of the CC2DZFS, you can do it one of two ways:

  1. a) Use the last few steps from the I01ALLOC job to create your deployment ZFS environment on the new LPAR.
       b) Use the cp command to copy the content from one location to the other if both ZFS locations are able to communicate.
       c) Create a permanent mountpoint in the BPXPRM. 
  2. Quiesce or unmount your SMP/E CC2DZFS and create a copy for deployment (or create a DFDSS backup), then remount it.
      You can then deploy that copy, along with the other runtime libraries, to the various LPARS, and subsequently set up the directory and mount points as needed.

If you want to either deploy the CC2DZFS file or back up your SMP/E environment, the IBM doc states

Prior to copying or performing a backup of a zFS, you may want to refer to IBM's doc in that regard. They state
Do not perform any type of COPY or DUMP operation of DASD that contains a mounted zFS file system that is not quiesced, or that is mounted on a system that is not a member of the same GRS configuration as the system from which the COPY or DUMP operation is being done. Doing so might result in the copy being a corrupted (or unusable) zFS file system.

The link to the IBM doc with complete information is here


Since this is an upgrade instead of a 'new' install, you could go ahead and build the region with ReportCenter, but we recommend commenting out the PROD=REPORTCENTER statement in the RUNSYSIN for starters so you can get the region running correctly first.

When you do configure ReportCenter, the REPORTCENTER parameter group should show that the SMP/E Target Library HFS Directory is pointing to the same USS path as is defined in the new ZFS parameter group - it needs to be the location of the mount point for the CC2DZFS file.

All other directories can remain the same as in 12.1.

Of note is that  Webcenter functionality has been minimized to allow access ONLY to ReportCenter. This removes the java applet requirement that caused so many problems. 
Please be sure to apply all available maintenance prior to region build to ensure proper functionality.