How to reconfigure Java used by Identity Portal
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How to reconfigure Java used by Identity Portal


Article ID: 222739


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite CA Identity Portal


The Identity Portal is pointing to an Oracle Java version and we want to switch the configuration over to use an AdoptOpenJDK instead. 



Release : 14.2, 14.3, 14.4

Component :


How you reconfigure Portal to use a different JDK is dependent on your Application server.  

For example for Wildfly / JBOSS you would install the new AdoptOpenJDK, then update the standalone.bat (or .sh in the case of linux) file, "\wildfly-8.2.1.Final\bin\standalone.bat", change the JAVA_HOME variable and restart the Application server.   

For Weblogic, the JDK is also controlled by the application server and can be modified by your Weblogic Admin.