Upgrade of the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) fails to complete with error:
Error from the Upgrade-0.log
2021-08-23 19:09:30.638 THREAD 30 WARNING: Exception when truncateTxnLog by file ID with logical file name:Backup, file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) and encryption changes on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup or file manipulation operation is completed.
2021-08-23 19:09:46.743 THREAD 30 WARNING: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Backup, file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) and encryption changes on a database must be serialized. Reissue the statement after the current backup or file manipulation operation is completed.
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(SQLServerException.java:262)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement.getNextResult(SQLServerStatement.java:1632)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement.doExecutePreparedStatement(SQLServerPreparedStatement.java:602)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement$PrepStmtExecCmd.doExecute(SQLServerPreparedStatement.java:524)
at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TDSCommand.execute(IOBuffer.java:7375)
SEPM 14.3.x with SQL server
SQL server busy with other operations at the time the upgrade was attempted.
Disable SQL server backups and ensure that the database is not locked by other operations /tasks during the SEPM upgrade.
Run the "upgrade.bat" file from the SEPM installation bin folder to finish the upgrade process for the SEPM.