This article describes how to do this and the restrictions involved.
Release : All supported releases Component : IDMS CICS Support
The considerations are:
All of the IDMS CUSTOM.LOADLIB, CAGJLOAD, any xxxxINTC and xxxxINTL interface load modules in any one CICS region's DFHRPL concatenation, and the CICSCSD definitions must be from the same IDMS release level.
The IDMS release that the above load modules are from does not have to be the same as the IDMS release of the CVs with which the CICS system communicates.
The xxxxCINT and xxxxCINL interface load modules that are linked with CICS application programs can be from any release as long as it is r12.0 or later.
The CAIRIM loaded IDMS modules must be from the most recent of the involved releases or later.