We noticed that the Audit Trail for Resource Department OBS is showing the old value as blank when the attribute is updated via XOG. When the attribute is updated manually, the old value and new value are recorded correctly. Currently on 15.9.0 Patch 1 however some of the audit dates go back to March 2020. Is this a defect?
<SupplementalInformation active="1" department="Shared Services" location="Chicago" resourceClass="INTERNAL" transactionClass="INTLABOR"/>
<RatesNCosts targetbillingRate="0" targetbillingRateCurrency="USD"/>
<Expenses reimbursementCurrency="USD"/>
<General addedBy="admin" addedDate="2021-07-06"/>
<OBSAssocs complete="false">
<OBSAssoc id="corpDepartmentOBS" name="Corporate Department OBS" unitPath="IT/Shared Services"/>
<OBSAssoc id="corpLocationOBS" name="Corporate Location OBS" unitPath="/Chicago"/>
In the XOG input file both tags OBSAssocs and FinancialInformation were attempting to update Department OBS. Since both updating same information it was advised to use either one of those sections that would contain Department OBS.
Should either include:
<SupplementalInformation active="1" department="Shared Services" location="Chicago" resourceClass="INTERNAL" transactionClass="INTLABOR"/>
<RatesNCosts targetbillingRate="0" targetbillingRateCurrency="USD"/>
<Expenses reimbursementCurrency="USD"/>
<OBSAssocs complete="false">
<OBSAssoc id="corpDepartmentOBS" name="Corporate Department OBS" unitPath="IT/Shared Services"/>
<OBSAssoc id="corpLocationOBS" name="Corporate Location OBS" unitPath="/Chicago"/>