In the Enforce console, navigate to "System > Settings > Directory Connections > Configure Directory Connection".
When changing the Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) directory connection port from 389 to 636 you receive a red banner stating:
"An error occurred trying to connect to the directory server. It may not support anonymous connections or other specified parameters, or could be a formatting error."
Release: 15.x, 16.x
Component: Active Directory Connection
You must enter a username and password to authenticate to the directory server.
To authenticate with Active Directory, use one of the following methods:
■ Domain and user name, for example: Domain\username
■ User name and domain, for example: [email protected]
■ Fully distinguished user name and domain (without spaces), for example:
To authenticate with another type of directory server:
■ A different syntax may be required, for example:
Enter the password for the user name that was specified in the preceding field.
The password is obfuscated when you enter it.