ACWP Calculation - Inactive Projects and Programs
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ACWP Calculation - Inactive Projects and Programs


Article ID: 222292


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


Update Earned Value and Cost Totals Job does not take into consideration an inactive project when the project is entered in the job parameters. Inactive projects are removed from the rate matrix extraction tables, i.e. nbi_proj_res_rates_and_costs if the full rate matrix extraction is run.  But remain in the prj_ev_history table until Update Cost Totals is run on the project itself from inside the project. Documentation states that putting the inactive investment in the job parameter will update the costs but it does not. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Use a project that has ACWP and ETC Costs already updated 
  2. Inactivate the project
  3. Run Rate Matrix Extraction job with options
    • Prepare Rate Matrix Data 
    • Update Rate Matrix Data 
  4. Run the job 'Update Earned Value and Cost Totals' with the parameter  
    • Enter the same inactive project in the Investment parameter 
  5. Upon completion of the job, check the ACWP and ETC costs on the project 

Expected Results: Per documentation ACWP and ETC costs are removed from the project. 

Actual Results: The ACWP and ETC Costs remain on the project. 


Release : 15.9.2, 15.9.3,  




Workaround: Run Update Cost Totals from within the project itself. 


Online Documentation has been updated for Release 16.0.0 and beyond. 

  • The job code never processes any inactive investment regardless of the parameters selected. Therefore, the documentation is updated.
  • The user can run the job from the Classic Project Actions on the Tasks tab - Update Cost Totals. This will remove the costs from the project. 
  • If the user wants to maintain the costs on the inactive project, just run the job Update Earned Value and Cost Totals Job will keep the costs and DO NOT run it from the project itself.

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