Determining Encyclopedia Variables: Unique Encyclopedia ID
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Determining Encyclopedia Variables: Unique Encyclopedia ID


Article ID: 222291


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The default Encyclopedia ID is set to '1'.  How can it be determined that the ID of '1' is unique or not when specifying the Encyclopedia ID?



CA GEN, release 8.6


To be able to get the existing Encyclopedia ID for a specific Host Encyclopedia in order to ensure unique IDs are used, please go under options 5

then option 5 again:

then option 2 from the Main Panel.

Then please select option 1:

The above will then take you to the screen to confirm your Host Encyclopedia variables, including your Encyclopedia ID.


Additional Information

This number must be unique between 1 - 9999 (can add more).  Type the numeric ID of the host encyclopedia (Range 1 - 9999).  If you have several encyclopedias at your site, each must have a unique ID in order to communicate with other host and client server encyclopedias.