My portal just stop to work !
On GKE I can see the pod status
APIM container is the one is not stating causing the problem all other container are running
Release : 5.0.2
Component : API PORTAL
rediness checks for app sync to happen is failing because of the following:
2021/08/10-19:29:30,979]-[INFO ]-[79]-[com.l7tech.external.assertions.jdbcquery.server.ServerJdbcQueryAssertion]-9105: "Perform JDBC Query" assertion failed due to no query results via a connection OAuth
[2021/08/10-19:29:30,979]-[WARNING]-[79]-[com.l7tech.external.assertions.jdbcquery.server.ServerJdbcQueryAssertion]-9104: "Perform JDBC Query" assertion failed due to: Duplicate entry Portal API App for portal-api key Portal API Org for key oauth_client
portal-api key Portal API Org for key oauth_client
Steps to solve
First need to find the UUID causing the issue from APPLICATION table name: Portal API App for portal-api
mysql> select UUID, NAME, tenant_id from portal.APPLICATION;
mysql>select UUID, NAME, tenant_id from portal.APPLICATION;
37081045-8c0b-484f-b0fe-7814f5ba343c Portal API App for tenant45 apim
Find the entry to rename/delete
select APPLICATION_UUID, NAME, tenant_id from portal.APPLICATION_API_KEY where APPLICATION_UUID = '37081045-8c0b-484f-b0fe-7814f5ba343c';
37081045-8c0b-484f-b0fe-7814f5ba343c api key 1 apim
Then rename/update the name in the APPLICATION_API_KEY ‘api key 1’ to something else
name = 'new value'
UUID =37081045-8c0b-484f-b0fe-7814f5ba343c;
This resolved the portal started automatically after the change, If this does not work delete the key