Install of DCS Agent on RHEL (Redhat Linux) failed due to Failed dependencies error
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Install of DCS Agent on RHEL (Redhat Linux) failed due to Failed dependencies error


Article ID: 222112


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced


When attempting to install the DCS 6.9.1 agent on RHEL 7.x the attempt would fail.  The error in the install logs show the following error similar to the following (near where the process terminated):

SDCSS Key already found installed on system, skipping key import
Installing SDCSS Agent package sdcss-6.9.0-310.el7.x86_64 ...
error: Failed dependencies:
        at is needed by sdcss-6.9.0-310.el7.x86_64

Error Installing the SDCSS Agent rpm



Release : 6.9.1

Component : DCS Agent


There is a missing package that has not been added to the repository. The name of the package is "at"

The above error is confusing because it names the package "at" which can be easily mistaken for a reference to look somewhere.


  1. From a bash prompt go into the folder where the agent package located then run the following command:    yum install at
  2. After the package installs run the command to install the agent: ./<package name>      Example:  ./agent64-linux-rhel8.bin