Can Siteminder can be used for identity manangment ?
At first glance, Siteminder is limited to manage user passwords. In
order to manage the full User's Identities, we strongly recommend you
to use Identity Manager (1).
The same Identity Manager can also be integrated with Siteminder (2).
Getting Started
An overview of features and basic use of Symantec Identity Manager.
Welcome to Identity Manager, an identity management system that you
use to streamline the process of managing user accounts and giving
users access to applications.
Identity Manager may have been customized at your site before you
use it. Therefore, the User Console you see may appear different
from the console described in this Help system.
Integrate CA Single Sign-on with CA Identity Manager
When the policy administrator and the identity administrator work
together to integrate CA SSO with an existing Identity Manager
installation, the Identity Manager architecture expands to include
the following components:
CA SSO Web Agent
Protects the Identity Manager Server. The Web Agent is installed on
the system where the Identity Manager server is installed.
CA SSO Policy Server
Provides advanced authentication and authorization for Identity