How to Install patches for SEDR
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How to Install patches for SEDR


Article ID: 222060


Updated On:


Endpoint Detection and Response


You seek information on how to install patches on a SEDR (Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response) appliance.



This will only work on a version of SEDR who's build correlates with the patch.


EDR 4.6.5

Patch: 4.6.5-1


EDR 4.6.7

Patch: 4.6.7-1



Broadcom has released a patch for a known issue that you would like installed on your SEDR (Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response) appliance.


  1. At the admin CLI of EDR, type:
    show -v

  2. Make sure the patch you are wanting to apply matches Version and build
    To confirm the installed patches, type:
    patch list -v "atp-patch-4.x.x-x"

    Patch version and description will appear in the output.

  3. If patch version does not appear in the download repository, please contact support for further assistance and reference KB #. Also copy and paste the output from this command into the case comments.

  4. To download the patch, type: patch download atp-patch-4.x.x-x
    If the last three lines from patch download are not as follows, create a support case and paste the output into the case comments.

     atp-patch-4.x.x-1.x86_64.rpm                               | 718 kB   00:01 ETA
       Download succeeded
       Function: main returned success

  5. To install the patch, type:
    patch install "atp-patch-4.x.x-x"

  6. If patch install does not include the following two lines, create a new support case and copy and paste the output from the patch install command into the comments.
       Patch installation Success!
       Function: do_install returned success

Additional Information

Please note patches for the current versions of EDR will be included in future builds.  For example patches for EDR 4.5.x will be included in any future build 4.6.x and newer.