Service Point does not load Service Catalog Offerings after clicking on More button.
F12 Developer Tool Network tab shows the following result when running /getBrowseOfferings?parent=-1: IMS1000
Release : 17.3
Wrong configuration in the casm.conf.js. The search microservice is pointing to incident microservice in the casm.conf.js
Update casm.conf.js and set the right port for the search server, which is different to the incident microservice.
1. Backup the casm.conf.js. The default location to access these files is: C:\Program Files\CA\xFlow\APPS\Services\incidentmicroservice-<xxxx>\public\conf
2. Edit casm.conf.js, find "search:" and set the right port for this microservice. The port number is different for each microservice.
Reference: (Optional) Configuring the xFlow Interface to Connect to SSL based Micro Services
3. Save changes
4. Restart xFlow services