Jobs fail when called within a process
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Jobs fail when called within a process


Article ID: 222003


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After upgrading to 15.9.3, both jobs (Update Earned Value History, Update Earned Value and Cost Total) fail when called within a process. Although the use case described is for these  jobs, it occurs for any job that has parameters. When running the jobs standalone, the jobs are complete.

Some Jobs with Parameters impacted by this issue:

    • Update Earned Value History 
    • Update Earned Value and Cost Total 
    • Post to WIP 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create a process that calls the job defined with parameters 
  2. Create with No parameter or desired parameters 
  3. Run the Execute a Process job calling the process created in step 1 

Expected Results: The process completes and the job shows a Completed in the Log page. 

Actual Results: The process completes but the job fails in the Log page. XML code shows up in the parameter fields on the failed job log. 

Generic error in UI is: NJS-0401: Execution of job failed


The BG error is:

ERROR 2021-08-23 19:11:50,267 [Dispatch bbUpdate Earned Value History : bg@server (tenant=clarity)] jobs.UpdateEVTotalsJob (clarity:admin:session:bbUpdate Earned Value History) ---> could not execute UpdateEVHistoryJob (5076050)

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Error parsing number <attribute dataType="string" name="projectId" referencedObjectId="SCH_BROWSE_PROJECT" referencedObjectCardinality="1" isActive="true" isRequired="false" operation="add" xmlns="">

ERROR 2021-08-24 18:45:04,265 [Dispatch ccUpdate Earned Value and Cost Totals : : bg@server (tenant=clarity)] jobs.UpdateEVTotalsJob (clarity:admin:session:ccUpdate Earned Value and Cost Totals) ---> could not execute UpdateEVTotalsJob (5076057)java.lang.NumberFormatException: Error parsing number <attribute id="5010015" dataType="string" name="projectId" referencedObjectId="BROWSE_INV_INVESTMENTS" referencedObjectCardinality="1" referencedObjectName="Project browse" isRequired="false" operation="modify" xmlns="">  <data/></attribute>  


Release : 15.9.3



Workaround #1:  Populate a value for the parameter which fails in the job.

  • For eg., Post To WIP fails for the parameter Investment OBS (as shown in the above screenshot) 
  • Navigate to the process step which runs the PTW job 
  • Populate a value for the Investment OBS 
  • Ideally, this should be the top level OBS so it covers the entire Org same as leaving it blank 
  • Note: In order to modify the process step, all the instances of this process will have to be deleted first and then place the process to Draft mode 

Workaround 2:  Run the job manually or scheduled as a "job" and not launched by a process. 


Fixed in Release 16.0.0