Classic Clarity: How do Chargebacks Work?
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Classic Clarity: How do Chargebacks Work?


Article ID: 221893


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Clarity PPM SaaS


When trying to process chargebacks in Clarity, what are the steps?


In order to process chargebacks in Clarity, you must have financial transactions as well as Financial Setup completed.

Here is an overview of the Financial Process:

Steps include:

Chargebacks assume that transactions exist in the product for the associated investments. Before you set up chargebacks and general ledger accounts, verify that the following items exist:
  • Set up a financial entity and define fiscal time periods for the entity.
  • Set up financial departments and locations.
  • Set up financial classes.
  • Set up financially-enabled investments or services.
  • Set up financially-enabled team members of investments or services including labor, equipment, material, and expense resources.


  • Additional Items needed for Chargebacks are:
    • Set Up General Ledger Accounts
    • Set Up Chargeback Rules
    • Create Overhead Rules
    • Resolve Chargeback Errors and Warnings
    • Rule Headers and Time-based GL Allocations
    • Set Investment Chargeback Options
    • Reverse Charges on Transactions
    • View Department Recovery Statements
    • Submit and Approve Department Invoices




  • The chargeback process is dependent on the setup and configuration of the Financial organization structure, General Ledger (GL) accounts, chargeback allocations, and Resource credit rules.
  • This flowchart represents the chargeback process:

Additional Information

For full information on setting up Financial Information and processing chargebacks refer to

Set Up General Ledger Accounts and Process Chargebacks