"Failed to create home directory rc: 5 - Access Denied" when trying to create a home directory on a DFS share through the Active Directory connector.
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"Failed to create home directory rc: 5 - Access Denied" when trying to create a home directory on a DFS share through the Active Directory connector.


Article ID: 22182


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When a user's home directory is set to a DFS (distributed file system) location, the transaction fails with the error " Connector server modify failed: Failed to create home directory rc: 5 - Access is denied."


DFS requires different access than non-DFS shares. The fix is to edit the service account used to run the IM_CCS service and use a valid user with the correct permissions. This user would need to have administrative permissions at the OS level and also be a local admin.

In services.msc:

  • Stop the IM_CCS service.
  • Right click the service, select properties.
  • Click the logon tab.
  • Change the Logon from 'Local System Account' to the specific user account of a local admin with correct permissions on the domain as well.
  • Save the changes and restart the service.


Release: CAPUEL99000-12.5-Identity Manager-Blended upgrade to Identity &-Access Mgmt Ente