Getting error when trying to stop a DevTest Broker service
What is interesting, if I do a kill on the process, then able to stop the other services cleanly.
What does this error mean? fork: retry; No child processes
All supported DevTest releases.
What does this error mean?
Linux fork: retry: no child process, resources are temporarily unavailable. When a normal user executes a command, sometimes the following error is reported. It is because the user's thread is full. by ulimit -a The command view can see the user's max user processes The value is either 1024 or 4096.
How can this error be fixed?
The error means that the current shell resource is limited (check the limits by ulimit -a ). So you can either try in another shell, or increase the resources by using ulimit command which controls over the resources available to the shell and processes it creates on operating system
This change would needed to be made by the Linux admin.