Recently upgraded five GSS servers to version 3.3 RU8 and all were successful. After a short amount of time, one of the servers started having the following issue:
The dbmanager.log includes the following:
[Mon Aug 16 08:28:39 2021.845] Database initialized...
[Mon Aug 16 08:28:39 2021.850] Result : 1 ReadServerSessionKey: ha[qq}xIWfpR_eg^CjjE]OAAKEY`|FCRlsdwascUwsF|YbuyChWhHhMYBXdGBZdjm^ZarTca@uUnkBAINb`hvwTwPz^Q{chZ{LtLUpg]UcYeSV^Jkap
[Mon Aug 16 08:28:39 2021.852] CMMProcessor::RegisterInDatabase(): Database error 'The transaction log for database 'GSS5' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
' reported
GSS 3.3 RU8
Changed the SQL Recovery Model to Simple.
Some reference articles are: