Spectrum 21.2.1 Account Lockout Feature
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Spectrum 21.2.1 Account Lockout Feature


Article ID: 221660


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


For Spectrum 21.2.1, there is a new account lock feature that will lock the account after 5 failed attempts.

When attempting to login we see the following error: SPC-OCA-10707: Your account has been temporarily locked for 10 minutes due to 5 failed login attempts.  Please try again later.


Release : 21.2.1 and higher versions

Component : Spectrum OneClick


You can configure the maximum number of attempts for locking out a user and the duration of lockout by modifying the context.xml file.

Follow these steps:

  • Open the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/META-INF/context.xml file.
  • Modify the following parameters as per your requirements:

Specifies the number of continuous failed login attempts before locking out the user.
Default: 5

Specifies the lockout duration in seconds. Set value to zero to disable the lockout option.
Default: 600

  • Restart the Tomcat.

Additional Information

Please reference the "Lockout a User" section of the documentation for more information.