And in file %TEMP%\ITRM\database\mdb_install\install_mdb.log following error appears :
07-13,07:58:39 Default schema of the installation user must be dbo.
07-13,07:58:39 Setupmdb_pre exit /B return code=131
07-13,07:58:39 Pre-process failed (errorlevel=131)
07-13,07:58:39 Setupmdb exit return code=110
Client Automation 14.0 and higher
Logged User which is running the upgrade must have dbo as default schema for mdb database.
Following command should return dbo (and not NULL)
sqlcmd -S "<SQLServerName\InstanceName>" -d mdb -h-1 -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON ; SELECT default_schema_name FROM sys.database_principals WHERE principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID()" -E
Set (temporary) dbo Default Schema on mdb database for logged user in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio :
After upgrade this settings could be removed.