When the files are processed by IBM Sterling and sent to MQ backend, they are sent with different character code set. Resulting rejection of files at MQ end and failures.
This issue is not seen if DX APM Agent is disabled on IBM Sterling node.
We are already setting following properties for the agent to avoid insertion of headers -
Release : up to 21.6
Component : APM Agents
When the property introscope.agent.mq.headerinsertion.enabled and is set
"mdWriteEnabled" is set to true on the mq destination such that any MQMD properties can be set on the message
Similarly "mdReadEnabled" needs to be set to true when we want to read those set properties.
This introscope.agent.mq.headerinsertion.enabled property is not checked for setting correlation id. CorrelationID is added as a new StringProperty on the message. So even when "mdWriteEnabled" is false we can add it.
A defect has been raised to be able to control header insertion for correlation tracers
An interim workaround is to comment the following tracer directives in the mq.pbd file
##MQDestination Put
#TraceOneMethodWithParametersIfFlagged: MQDestination put MQPutTransactionTracer "WebSphereMQ"
#TraceOneMethodWithParametersIfFlagged: MQDestination get MQGetTransactionTracer "WebSphereMQ"