Unable to see the reports on cabi
Jasperserver.log shows below error
java.sql.SQLException: Could not connect to address=(host=OneClickSrvr)(port3306)(type=master) : Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
Release : All Supported Versions
Component : Jaspersoft for CA Spectrum
Unable to communicate with mysql on port 3306 because of firewall blocking the port
As per the jasperserver.log 3306 has a connection timed out error
java.sql.SQLException: Could not connect to address=(host=OneClickSrvr)(port3306)(type=master) : Connection timed out (Connection timed out)
Ensure that you enabled below ports bi directional between oneclick server and cabi server
14001-14006 (Corba)
8080 (OC Tomcat Port)
8443 (OC Tomcat SSL port)
3306 (mysql)
3307 (mysql on Linux)
5432 (Jasper Postgres)
8082 (Jasper Tomcat)
Recycle Oneclick Tomcat and mysql services
Stopped below services
Spectrum Tomcat
Spectrum Process Daemon
(check if mysql also stopped or not, with process daemon stop mysql service should be stopped)
Started below services
Spectrum Process Daemon (Ensure spectrum mysql service also started)
Spectrum Tomcat
Recycle services on CABI Server