The network transport returned partial data to its client. The remaining data will be sent later (0x800702C3)
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The network transport returned partial data to its client. The remaining data will be sent later (0x800702C3)


Article ID: 221427


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


The x86 "NS Client Agent" package is failing to download to a Package Server and the following screenshot shows the issue:

The errors seen in the agent.log files are:

"7/26/2021 7:30:48 PM","Error while downloading package: No server found","PackageDelivery","AeXPackageDelivery.dll","8160","Errors"

"7/26/2021 7:30:48 PM","Error while downloading package: {Partial Data Received}

The network transport returned partial data to its client. The remaining data will be sent later (0x800702C3)","PackageDelivery","AeXPackageDelivery.dll","8160","Errors"

"7/26/2021 7:30:48 PM","Download attempt completed: downloaded 22867992 bytes at 0 bytes per second, used 22867992 bytes from cache","PackageDownload","AeXPackageDelivery.dll","8160","Informational"

"7/26/2021 7:30:48 PM","Failed to download package '{5FA31642-CB4A-43DE-A538-CBB8B6E3BCB7}' from: \\<NSserver>\NSCap\Bin\Win32\X86\NS Client Package, local blocks: 13/14, error: {Partial Data Received}

The network transport returned partial data to its client. The remaining data will be sent later (0x800702C3)","PackageDownload","AeXPackageDelivery.dll","8160","Warnings"


ITMS 8.6 RU1


Possible corruption of the "NS Client Package" after upgrading the ITMS 8.6 server to RU1.


Resolved by doing a full repair on the installed products in SIM (Symantec Installation Manager) primarily Symantec Management Platform piece. It seems to have been some type of corruption with the "NS Client Package".