Sdgtw.log shows the following errors:
ServiceDesk mdr_id :CASDM
In validateIntegration method :url is http://localhost:57840/ca-nim-sm/api/v2/config/integration/CASDM/testConnection
going to call parseResponse ::: URL ::MDR http://localhost:57840/ca-nim-sm/api/v2/config/integration/CASDM/testConnection :: CASDM
responseCode :: [200] response message :: [OK]
Exception in making the connection to MDR:java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.nimsoft.probe.gateway.sdgtw.SDGtwProbe.initiateAlarmSynchronizer(
at com.nimsoft.probe.gateway.sdgtw.SDGtwProbe.initializeAndConfigureNim(
at com.nimsoft.probe.gateway.sdgtw.SDGtwProbe.access$000(
at com.nimsoft.probe.gateway.sdgtw.SDGtwProbe$
Done with CASDM
Done with Alarm Synchronization
Queue is NOT SUBSCRIBED as there is no valid Service Desk connection. Please check Service Desk connection details or configure service desk(s)
Nim.log also reports:
ERROR sdm.CASDMWebService: Retry message %s with exception Error invoking web service 'getAccessKey' operation. Retrying 2/2 ...
ERROR sdm.CASDMWebService: CA SDM method 'getAccessKey' was not successful
ERROR sdm.CASDMProvider: Problem with 'getIncidents'; Printing stack trace if available: null
The SDM integration is configured correctly, as per DX UIM - SDM Validation failed error.
The user that connects to SDM is put in a Data Partition that did not have access to the appropriate info
pdm_tomcat_nxd -c STOP -t REST
pdm_tomcat_nxd -c START -t REST