Need to see newly added managed computers
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Need to see newly added managed computers


Article ID: 221297


Updated On:


Client Management Suite


Need to report on and have filters for computers where we recently installed the agent


Release: 8.x



Navigate to Reports > All Reports

Right-click a folder where you want your report to be and select New > Report > SQL Report

Click the report title at the top and give it a suitable name, such as "Computers added in the last 30 days"

Replace all the text in the Parameterized Query tab (that is displayed first by default) with the below query. You can change the number of days to meet your goal (it is set to 30 days below).

     convert(varchar, vc.CreatedDate,1) [Created Date],
     convert(varchar, ah.[Last Agent Communication],1) [Last Communication Date],
     vc.[IP Address]
from vAC_AgentHealth ah
join vcomputer vc on vc.Guid = ah.ResourceGuid
where vc.IsManaged <> 0
and Datediff( day, vc.CreatedDate, getdate()) < 30 -- DAYS
order by vc.CreatedDate asc


To create a filter, go to Manage > Filters and right-click the folder you want to store it in and select New > Filter 

Click the filter title at the top and give it a suitable name, such as "Computers added in the last 30 days"

Change the drop-down below the title in the Filter Definition section to Query Mode: Raw SQL Click the OK button to acknowledge.

In the Parameterized Query tab, paste in the following SQL query:

select vc.guid
from vAC_AgentHealth ah
join vcomputer vc on vc.Guid = ah.ResourceGuid
where vc.IsManaged <> 0
and Datediff( day, vc.CreatedDate, getdate()) < 30 -- DAYS

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