Grafana / Gateway Service Metrics / Routing Failure
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Grafana / Gateway Service Metrics / Routing Failure


Article ID: 221180


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


Need to understand why the counter of "routing failure" is never moving in the Grafana graphs even if I am generating errors of this kind.

Can you explain how the tag "isRoutingFailure" is set to true?

We are using the example gateway deployment from :



Release : 10.0

Component : API GATEWAY


The Grafana graphs are using data from influxdb which is receiving metrics data from the gateway using the external metrics .

see also :

The API are created from API Portal and are using the default portal policy templates or are using custom policy templates where the routing is done in a custom encapsulated assertion .


By default a encapsulated assertion is not propagating the routing statistics to the parent policy , therefore the policy will always be flagged as failed due to policy problem.

If you are doing the routing in a portal published API template which is a encapsulated assertion too or a custom encapsulated assertion you have to set the option "Update routing statistics in parent policy"  in the encapsulated assertion properties . 

This is also not checked for the portal default templates :

- Standard Policy Template - API Key

- Standard Policy Template - No auth

- Standard Policy Template - OAuth.20 .

Right click the policy "Standard Policy Template Fragment - API Key " select  "encapsulated assertion properties " on the bottom of the screen select "Update routing statistics in parent policy" and save it.