This KB provided additional information on how availability and reachability metrics are used for CABI Availability reports
Release : 20.3/ 20.4.x
Component : UIM - CABI
Availability is calculated though power_state qos which is qos of the Robot and reachability is calculated through the ICMP probe.
Please note the following requirements for these metrics:
As per the documentation, physical devices can be monitored by deploying a local robot, the device availability is calculated using the new hub-level metric added with hub 7.96 and later.
Device uptime is calculated as robot up-time, assuming that if the robot is up, then the device is also up and available.
If the device has Service QoS and no power state QoS, then a robot should be deployed on that machine. Only after that QOS_POWER_STATE has been calculated for that particular device would the report be visible in CABI. Check the S_QOS_DATA table where qos = QOS_POWER_STATE.
select * from s_qos_data where qos like '%power%'
- find the raw data table then for example check the values in the related table,
select * from RN_QOS_DATA_0001 order by sampletime DESC
The report by design looks first for QOS_POWER_STATE and then QOS_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY, i.e., Reachability metrics