Is there a simple way to reset the EEM policies to the default?
This is for both the WAAE and WCC/WebUI policies.
Release : 12.0
Component :
This can be done through unregister both applications. This will delete all related policies for WCC0004 and WorkloadAutomationAE.
It can be done as follows:
1. Login into EEM UI with userid "eiamadmin" and select application "Global" on the login page
2. Select "Configure"
3. Select "Applications"
4. Select "WCC0004"
5. on right side , select "Unregister" and press "OK"
6. Select "WorkloadAutomationAE"
7. Select "Unregister" and press "OK".
To reload the default policies, follow these steps:
1. Autosys
export ASSAFETOOLPW=<eiamadmin_password>
as_safetool -b <eem_hostname> -i <instance>
2. WebUI
./safex -h <eem_hostname> -u eiamadmin -p <eiamadmin_password> -f UWCCRegister.xml