We'd like to customize the Submit and Cancel button of IM tasks so that it is moved from far right to the left.
Release : 14.4
You would need to modify the JSP for such a change and the change would impact all tasks. Also note that future patching/upgrades can revert the JSP back to the original behavior and you may need to re-apply the same change again.
1. Stop JBoss
2. Edit the \iam_im.ear\user_console.war\app\page\task_body.jsp and find the following line:
<imh:buttonpanel styleId="taskbuttons" taskButtons="true">
And modify it to instead be the following:
<imh:buttonpanel styleId="taskbuttons" taskButtons="true" align="left">
3. Delete the contents of the JBoss /standalone/tmp folder
4. Rename the JBoss /standalone/deployments iam_im.ear.deployed to iam_im.ear.dodeploy and castyles5.1.1.ear.deployed to castyles5.1.1.ear.dodeploy
5. Restart JBoss