A user would like to have a session where a uproc could throw a return code different than 0 (ie. 4) and launch a different uproc than in case it would be a Branch KO.
Example of the request
Using a KO Branch in the Session leads to issues as the KO Branch is executed as well as the RC Branch for code 4, how can we avoid this?
Release : 6.6.x and superior
The most simple solution for this request would be a a RC session with 3 branches RC:
In the uproc AFR_H2 that can throw the custom return code (0, 4 or anything else) we enabled the Enhanced Status Management and added as Completed the Return Codes 0 and 4 as below:
This way when the AFR_2 uproc exits with return code 4, it will also be displayed as Completed (Green) and only the uproc AFR_RC4 will be launched:
Attached to this article you will find a package with the above RC Session example.