REST API for To Dos does not include Custom Attributes
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REST API for To Dos does not include Custom Attributes


Article ID: 221028


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


I have three custom attributes added to To Dos, all of which have API Attribute IDs and display properly in the New UX.  I'm trying to use the REST API to create a large number of To Dos using Python, which I already did with Tasks.  When using Postman to test the call I receive a 400 error 

{   "resourceId"null,
    "errorMessage""Attribute(s) 'c_store_number, c_details' are not supported.",

The describe endpoint, as well as the API browser, both fail to include my custom attributes.

https://<host> and https://<host>!/Project/CaPpmPOSTtodosEntity

Is there something special about To Dos that are causing this problem, or do I need to do something additional to make these attributes work for To Dos?  I did not have the same problem with Tasks, and I don't see anything in the documentation that would lead me to believe that this should be happening.


Release : 15.9.1

Component : Clarity MUX To Dos


Old todos API has been deprecated and obaTodos is the new API to retrieve/modify todos. Old API no longer supports create/edit/delete and it can be used to only read/get an old To Do record. Same has been updated in Swagger as well from 15.9.3. POST/PUT/DELETE no longer available in swagger for todos. Only GET is available.

Retrieve To-Do Instances:- 

GET https://<host>/ppm/rest/v1/obaTodos

HEADER:- Below value should be sent in the request header

Name: x-api-association-key Value: obaTodos~tasks

Add ?filter=((obaAssociation = task internal id)) to the GET request to get To-do's of a specific task.

Update Custom Attributes:-

PATCH https://<host>/ppm/rest/v1/obaTodos/<internalidoftodo>

HEADER:- Below value should be sent in the request header

Name: x-api-association-key Value: obaTodos~tasks



Create New To-Do Instances:-

POST https://<host>/ppm/rest/v1/obaTodos

HEADER:- Below value should be sent in the request header

Name: x-api-association-key Value: obaTodos~tasks



obaAssociation is the internal id of the task on which to do needs to be created on.