Cube view export to CSV or XLSX fails with non-descript error
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Cube view export to CSV or XLSX fails with non-descript error


Article ID: 221001


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IT Analytics


While exporting a cube view, the following error window is displayed:

An examination of the POST headers captured by the browser's developer tools reveals the following for DetailsGridExport.aspx:

error=XML for Analysis parser: The XML for Analysis request timed out before it was completed. Timeout value: 3600 sec


Release : 2.9.x

Component : Cube Browser


The XML process handled by the SQL Server Analysis Server (SSAS) is reaching the server's timeout limit before completing the generation of the export file.


Change the value of the SSAS setting ServerTimeout from 3600 to 360000:

  1. Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), connect to the Analysis Services server hosting the IT Analytics cubes
  2. In Object Explorer, right-click the SSAS server's hostname and select Properties
  3. In the Analysis Server Properties window, select the General page
  4. Select the box labelled Show Advanced (All) Properties
  5. Locate the setting ServerTimeout
  6. Change the Value of ServerTimeout to 360000
  7. Click the OK button
  8. Restart the SQL Server Analysis Services service