ProxySG/ASG is configured to upload logs to Reporter using SCP method and it is failing with error 'RSA host key has changed and you have requested strict checking'
On the ProxySG following logs might appear in event logs.
2021-07-28 14:44:51+12:00NZST "SSH: Add correct host key in host keys list to get rid of this message." 0 45000B:1 sgos_log.cpp:150
2021-07-28 14:44:51+12:00NZST "SSH: Offending RSA key in list at line 9" 0 45000B:1 sgos_log.cpp:150
2021-07-28 14:44:51+12:00NZST "SSH: RSA host key for []:2024 has changed and you have requested strict checking." 0 45000B:1 sgos_log.cpp:150
2021-07-28 14:44:51+12:00NZST "Access Log (TPproductionRep10x): Unable to connect to remote server for log uploading" 0 E0008:1 alog_facility_impl.cpp:2790
ProxySG configured for access log upload using SCP
Reporter v10.x or v11.x
This issue causes if SSH fingerprint on the Reporter side gets changed
Try checking whether known-host list has the Reporter IP in it or not. If it is there then delete using 'clear' command.
Clearing known host file from proxy should resolve the issue.
#(config ssh-client known-hosts)view
#(config ssh-client known-hosts)clear
If clearing a known host does not help then need to delete the RSA host key using the below command.
#(config ssh-client)client-keys
#(config ssh-client client-keys)view
#(config ssh-client client-keys)delete {rsa | ecdsa | ed25519}
Deletes the specified key.