Due to linux operating sysystem OS patching our Spectrum primary SSs were rebooted and also two oneclicks were rebooted out of 4.
Now we have an issue with our Oneclick --Administrator tab is not showing
But on other oneclick URL , all tabs are visible for the same user.
We have restarted the tomcat and webtomcat but no luck.
Release : All Supported Releases
Component : SPCOCK - Spectrum OneClick
Rogue tomcat process was running.
The OneClick tomcat log file was showing a CORBA bind address in use:
ug 02, 2021 10:31:05.056 - VBrokerCORBAClientHelper: unable to resolve RootPOA: org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: java.net.BindException: Address already in use (Bind failed) vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
Aug 02, 2021 10:31:05.357 - SPC-OCA-10379: An unexpected exception occurred registering watch for user model <user> on Model Domain <host>: exception com.aprisma.spectrum.core.idl.CsCException.CsCSpectrumException
When running a process listing and grep for tomcat there were multiple OneClick java processes running. There should only be one java process for the OneClick tomcat.
To resolve this:
1. Stop webtomcat, tomcat, and processd:
$SPECROOT/webtomcat/bin: ./stopWebTomcat.sh
$SPECROOT/tomcat/bin: ./stopTomcat.sh
$SPECROOT/lib/SDPM: ./processd --stop
2. Run a process listing and see if any java processes are running:
ps -ef | grep -i java
3. Kill the rogue java process:
./kill -9 <pid>
4. Restart processd which will automatically start Tomcat and WebTomcat:
$SPECROOT/lib/SDPM: ./processd --start