In du_upgrade_toolkit for Linux commands "uniexp or uniimp" have an issue while trying to filter on a particular task that has no session, which would be set with -tskses "" , somehow the script translates "" (empty value) into *
[root@NODENAME bin]# ./uniexp -company TST600 -node NODENAME -area X -tskupr "AFR_UXSTR_RLS_JOB" -tskses "" -login admin -pwd XXX -mshost hostname -msport 4184 -file task2.xml -overwrite
DUAS Command to export DUAS objects into an XML file
java version "1.6.0_45"
The java command used will be /apps/du_upgrade_toolkit_6.9.41_all_unix/bin/./../bin/jre/orsyp_jre/jre/bin/java
-mshost hostname -msport 4184 -login admin -pwd ***** -company TST600 -node NODENAME -area X -file task2.xml -full false -tskmu * -tsk * -tskupr AFR_UXSTR_RLS_JOB -tskses * -tsktpl true -tsknotpl true -summary false -overwrite true -bvdep false
The issue does not occur in the du_upgrade_toolkit for Windows or in the UVMS commands uniexp or uniimp that are available since version 6.10.x
Release : 6.x
Sub-component: du_upgrade_toolkit
Issue in the du_upgrade_toolkit for Linux which is no longer maintained since version 6.10.21 as replaced by UVMS commands uniexp and uniimp
Use the UVMS 6.10.x commands uniexp and uniimp that do not have such a problem and use "" as syntax to define an empty parameter.