INV-0010 error thrown when trying to update an idea instance
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INV-0010 error thrown when trying to update an idea instance


Article ID: 220713


Updated On: 06-24-2024


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Some idea instances cannot be modified and an error "INV-0010: Missing Budget Cost Start or Budget Cost Finish Date." is displayed.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log in to the PPM Modern UX 
  2. Go to the Ideas module 
  3. Add the following columns to the grid: Start, Finish, Budget Equals Planned, Set Planned Cost Dates, Calculate Financial Metrics, Planned Operating Cost 
  4. On the Grid view create an idea 
  5. Note that Start and Finish dates are populated 
  6. Check the Budget Equals Planned, Set Planned Cost Dates, Calculate Financial Metrics fields in 
  7. Populate the Planned Operating Cost  
  8. Note that Planned Values like Planned NPV and Planned ROI have been calculated 
  9. Nullify both the Start Date and the Finish Date
  10. Try to populate the Start Date, or uncheck one of the checkboxes mentioned above

Expected Results: Changes are accepted.

Actual Results: You get an error: INV-0010: Missing Budget Cost Start or Budget Cost Finish Date.
Once you get this error you get on a loop. You cannot reset the Start Date again, you are unable to uncheck the Boolean fields. Any changes you made the same error pops out.


Release : 15.9.2





DE62065 is fixed in Clarity 16.0.1.

Workaround: Start/Finish dates can be set via XOG, but not via the UX (Modern or Classic).