API Gateway database upgrade failed with the below error:
Error message:
“No upgrade path from 9.4.00”
Release : 10.x
Component : API GATEWAY
The problem is with the ssg database "DATABASECHANGELOG" table name is in lower case (databasechangelog) .
The DATABASECHANGELOG table name should be in UPPERCASE, also the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table should be in UPPERCASE.
Steps to update the table name:
Take a backup of databasechangelog table
# mysqldump -uroot -p ssg databasechangelog > DATABASECHANGELOG.sql
Search for databasechangelog and change all entries to DATABASECHANGELOG.
Save the file.
Drop the existing databasechangelog table.
mysql> use ssg;
mysql> drop table databasechangelog;
Import DATABASECHANGELOG table name to ssg database.
# mysql -uroot -p ssg < DATABASECHANGELOG.sql
Connect to the mysql ssg database and check if the DATABSECHANGELOG table name is in UPPERCASE.
# show tables;
If needed repeat the procedure for the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table.
Re-run database upgrade from the ssgconfig menu.