How do we enable debug logging in Identity Portal?
Release : 14.x
1) Virtual Appliance:
Enable: set_log_level_ip DEBUG
Disable: set_log_level_ip INFO
2) Standalone IP installation:
- Add admin user in WildFly/JBoss if not done already:
Answers questions:
type of user: a
Is this new user going to be used for one AS process...: yes
- run JBoss/WildFly CLI:
jboss-cli.bat --connect
- Change logging level in CLI:
Enable: /subsystem=logging/root-logger=ROOT:write-attribute(name="level", value="DEBUG")
Disable: /subsystem=logging/root-logger=ROOT:write-attribute(name="level", value="INFO")
3) Additionally, to maximize logging output (both vApp and standalone IP):
a) in IP Management console: Setup > General configuration > System > Debug Mode
b) in IP Management console: Setup >Connectors > CIAM > Debug Mode
Log in to the Identity Portal Admin UI.
Click SETUP.
Click to edit the (CAIM) Connector.
Check the box for DEBUG Mode.
Click Save.
Click Restart to restart the CAIM connector.