Using the Gen 8.6 Web Service Wizard (WSW) have managed to generate the web service and let the WSW do the compile, assemble etc into a jar file.
Where is the documentation, articles etc on the deploy of a successful generated WSW web service?
Release : 8.6
Component : CA Gen PLUGINS
The Gen 8.6 Web Service Wizard (WSW) techdocs does have this section: CA Gen 8.6 > Developing > Designing > Using the Web Service Wizard > Deploy a Web Service
That covers the manual deployment. It is not recommended to use the "Deploy after compile?" option in the WSW UI as that has not always been found to be successful.
This KB article is a good source of information: Using the CA Gen Java Proxy based Web Service Wizard feature.
In addition, WSW was first developed in Gen 6.5, but has not really changed since. See attached Gen 6.5 "Web Service Wizard Guide" pdf.
That guide has more information on how to install Axis 1.x with Tomcat which is not available in the current Gen 8.6 techdocs i.e. deploy Tomcat & Axis together and from the downloaded Axis package take directory webapps/axis and put it under Tomcat webapps.
Everything else in that guide should still apply for 8.6 except the Java, Axis & Tomcat versions of course that have been superseded.
From CA Gen 8.6 > Technical Requirements > Third-Party Software Version > Web Service Wizard Requirements:
Web Service Wizard Requirements
- CA Gen 8.6 Toolset
- Java SE Development Kit 8.0 Update 60
- Apache-Axis Web Service Application Server: 1.4
- Tested Application Server: Tomcat 9.0.0.M13
So only Tomcat has been tested.
Also, the original first generation of the Apache Axis project (latest release 1.4) must be used - see bottom of this page:
The later Apache Axis2 project has a completely different architecture and will not work/is not supported.
Related KB articles:
CA Gen Web Service Wizard web service deployed to Tomcat/Axis gives "Could not find class for the service" with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
CA Gen Web Services publishing options