Deliver RMORPT Report 5 (active reports)
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Deliver RMORPT Report 5 (active reports)


Article ID: 220655


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Deliver RMORPT Report 5 shows active listings but what exactly does Deliver consider an "active" report?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA Deliver


The Deliver RMORPT REPORT 5 lists Active Reports and Bundles. 

Active reports (and active bundles) are displayed as are selected from the Deliver Primary panel (A R - for Active Reports, A B - for Active Bundles). 

The Deliver checkpoint file contains information about Active Reports and Bundles.

The entries in the checkpoint file reflect multiple things: 

 . . The reports that were activated by running Deliver program RMORAP. 
 . . Entries created by use of Deliver RMOPARM AUTOACT=YES. 
 . . Entries created by multiple runs of a job.
 . . The entries are dynamic and are designed to reflect the active reports and bundles at a given time.