Error in creating Task Persistence database schema
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Error in creating Task Persistence database schema


Article ID: 220592


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


After in-place upgrade of CA Identity Manager from an on-premise install of 14.1 to 14.4, an exception was seen at the first startup of JBoss after the last step of the upgrade (from 14.3 CP2 to 14.4)

Error in creating Task Persistence database schema. java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "IS_VOLATILE": invalid identifier

The application didn't deploy.

The second time the server is started all seems OK except for the exception below:

ERROR [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 96) migrateOfflineEndpointTaskData java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "ENDPOINT_STATUS": invalid identifier


Subsequently, tasks are getting stuck "in-progress" and the Jboss server requires a restart.  How can we resolve these issues?



Release : 14.3 CP2\14.4

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


The initial error is essentially benign:

Error in creating Task Persistence database schema. java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "IS_VOLATILE": invalid identifier

Is seen as a result of starting a cluster node too soon during an upgrade.  The issue is resolved when the upgrades on both nodes are completed and the nodes are cycled.

The subsequent error occurs as a result of an incomplete upgrade of the OFFLINE_ENDPOINT_TASKS table.  

All offline endpoint tasks should be completed before migration.  If they are not complete, the rows in 'OFFLINE_ENDPOINT_TASK' table may not have a corresponding record in 'tasksession12_5' table.



To correct this issue Broadcom IM Engineering has supplied, the following fixes.

14.3 CP2 Fix:
14.4 GA:

These are available upon request from Broadcom Technical Support