Release : 21.2
Component :
The customer had customized the oneclick.jnlp file for Spectrum and there was an old jar file listed: icu4j-4_4_2_2.jar
Update the oneclick.jnlp and remove the old jar file. In this case we removed the entry for: icu4j-4_4_2_2.jar
We removed the jar from the OneClick.jnlp and OC now launches.
This is the default oneclick.jnlp file for NetOps Spectrum Fault 21.2.1:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- JNLP File for Session Client -->
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="$$codebase"
<title>DX NetOps Spectrum OneClick Console on $$host</title>
<vendor>CA Technologies, A Broadcom Company</vendor>
<homepage href="index.jsp"/>
<description>DX NetOps Spectrum OneClick Console</description>
<description kind="short">DX NetOps Spectrum OneClick Console</description>
<icon href="images/i_icon.jpg"/>
<!-- <offline-allowed/> -->
<!-- If you wish to force 64bit or 32bit OC client, replace <resources> tag with one that
specifies an architecture - "amd64" for x64 and "x86" for x32, see below examples.
You can copy oneclick.jnlp to oneclick32.jnlp or oneclick64.jnlp, and customize platform & memory,
and then new launch points will be added automatically to OC admin page.
Note: For arch specifiers to work properly, you must exactly match the JRE version or
make sure the "Allow new versions" checkbox is checked in the supported
JRE Version configuration.
<resources arch="amd64">
<resources arch="x86">
<!-- This is used for the alarm notification dialog and will
prevent the background color from being shown, so you will
not get a flash of color. In order for this property to
be set you need to have the following
in the deployment.config file which lives in
<Windows Directory>\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config on Windows
/etc/.java/deployment/deployment.config on Unix.
<property name="sun.awt.noerasebackground" value="true"/>
<!-- To get rid of Java Authentication Required dialog -->
<property name="javaws.cfg.jauthenticator" value="true" />
<j2se version="$$minjre" java-vm-args="" href=""
initial-heap-size="$$minmem" max-heap-size="$$maxmem"/>
<jar href="lib/clientconsole.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/clientalarm.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/clienttopo.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/jgraphx.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/webswing-api.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/clientapp.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/clientevent.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/clientadmin.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/util.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/utilsrv.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/utilnet.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/utilapp.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/utilgui.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/jecds.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/global.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/productsuite.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/jdom.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/xercesImpl.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/xml-apis.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/commons-collections.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/mindterm.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/oneclickclient.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/occversion.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<jar href="lib/icu4j-55_2.jar;no_javaws_cheat"/>
<extension name="RSA Crypto-J" href="cryptoj.jnlp"/>
<!-- To use embedded browser in OneClick, you need to copy
3rd party jars from CDs (DJNativeSwing.jar, DJNativeSwing-SWT.jar,
swt-win32.jar, swt-wlinux.jar, jna.jar)
to <...>/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/lib, and uncomment
following line.
<extension name="Embedded Browser" href="embedded-browser.jnlp"/>
<application-desc main-class="">
<!--<argument>-debug Poller=on</argument> -->
<argument>-timeout $$timeout</argument>
<argument>-loginTitle $$logintitle</argument>
<argument>-appBrandName $$appbrandname</argument>
<argument>-appSuiteName $$appsuitename</argument>
<argument>-appIcon $$appicon</argument>
<argument>-splashImage $$splashimage</argument>