Is there a way to generate the total number of jobs in the scheduler database?
Release : 3.1
This can be done while the product is on-line.
Execute the following DCL command while logged into an account that has read access to all jobs in the database, such as the SYSTEM account:
$ pipe sched show job *=* | search sys$input vms_command/noout/stat
It will produce output similar to the following:
Files searched: 1 Buffered I/O count: 118
Records searched: 114 Direct I/O count: 0
Characters searched: 5557 Page faults: 29
Records matched: 8 Elapsed CPU time: 0 00:00:00.00
Lines printed: 0 Elapsed time: 0 00:00:00.05
The value contained in the field labeled "Records matched" is the total number of jobs in the database.